What is Fastentix Solution?

Brand Owner

FastMerchant is the brand owner, headquarters, and exclusive distributor aiming to expand its customer base through same-day delivery and maintain complete control of the marketplace.


Control Price

All Databased Customer, you will received to plan more marketing.

Product & presentation
(Brand Image / CI)


FastBuyer is a consumer or end user who buys from our marketplace, ensuring the authenticity of the product/brand and offering sameday delivery.

Guaranteed original from brand owner (FastMerchant)

Return policy in sameday by fastseller upon deliver.

Only Trusted Seller will served

If get different product, fastseller will deliver back in the sameday.


A FastSeller is someone who stocks FastMerchant’s products and aims to reach a wide range of customers within a certain radius for same-day delivery.

Only Trusted & register Seller being accepted by FastMerchant.

We set COD charge structure in the system.

Fixed price from FastMerchant.

Focus on Radius , get 2 income on product/ service & logistic.


FastSquad is an affiliate that promotes and activates the system to attract more buyers and recruit new members. The FastSquad program provides opportunities for both passive and active income.

Multiple tier Income.

Can be a fastSquad to most company in 1 apps /system (member price)

5 Income rather than 1 income solely on product.

Can do COD same day delivery, Without doing it.

1 system for affiliate & dropship. Commission can be seen in e-wallet.

What is Fastseller?

A Seller who have FastMerchant product in stock, and want to reach as many customer within radius, and delivery to the customer in same day using Fastentix COD system

How do you know they can be a FastSeller?

What is FastSquad?

An affiliate who promote and act as activator to the system to create more buyer and another FastMember. They will get commission for every purchase and registration.
Have a chance to get infinite commission

FastSquad vs Dropship

Its your Choice

Would you rather be a big fish in a small market Or big fish in a big market ?
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